Assassins Creed’s Collection

Assassins Creed’s Collection

Assassins Creeds Collection

B?n ?� t?ng y�u th�ch v? ho�ng t? Ba T? trong ba phi�n b?n c?a Prince of Persia? B?n v?n c�n th�m c?m gi�c m?t m�nh ngao du gi?a nh?ng k? quan h�ng v?? N?u v?y ch?c ch?n b?n s? kh�ng th? b? qua Assassin�s Creed c?a Ubisoft. Kh�ng r� v� may m?n hay ti?m l?c s?n c� m� Ubisoft lu�n b�n duy�n v?i nh?ng t?a game hay v� ?� ???c ch?ng t? qua nhi?u tr� ch?i ?o?t gi?i th??ng li�n ti?p nh? Far Cry, Beyond Good and Evil v� ??c bi?t x�-ri Prince of Persia � m?t th�nh c�ng ngo�i s?c t??ng t??ng. Kh�ng ph? l�ng mong m?i c?a c�c game th?, x? s? Trung ?�ng huy?n b� m?t l?n n?a tr? l?i trong Assassin� Creed d??i s? nh�o n?n c?a c�ng ??i ng? ph�t tri?n Prince of Persia, v?i phong c�ch m?i kh�c bi?t so v?i ng??i ti?n nhi?m.
Assassins Creed (2007)
Assassins Creed (2007)

Assassins Creed II (2009)
Assassins Creed II (2009)

Assassins Creed Brotherhood (2010)
Assassins Creed Brotherhood � SKIDROW

Assassins Creed: Revelations (2011)
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